As your Celebrant…

As your Celebrant, I will...

Personal Visits

I will visit you at your home – or meet elsewhere, if you prefer – to discuss the type of service you would like.

Life Story

I will take the time to discover the life story of the person who has passed away – a story which will not only form the basis of the actual service, but will allow the mourners to truly celebrate the life of the deceased.

Favourite Music or Poem

Most services — whether held at the Funeral Home or the Crematorium – will include a favourite piece of music or a reading or poem.

With or Without Religion

There may be no mention of religion – or the service may include a Bible reading or the Lord’s Prayer.

Silent Reflection

A few moments of silent reflection can be included – which will allow people of faith to offer a silent prayer.


Family members can pay their own tribute during the service or, if preferred. can write a tribute which I will read on their behalf.


Until the service takes place I will keep in regular contact with both the family and the funeral director. in case any changes may be necessary.

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